Thursday, September 18, 2008

They call you how they see you so make sure what they see is what there suposed to see

So just the other day i am at work right and i clock in at 2:00pm the day it normal then at 4:00pm first break (15min) go by great.the day couldn't be any better. then came lunch i was sitting down when a man who i will call (coca cola's1 worker) came in the break room very loud so very nicely i ask the man can you quite down then he starts telling people what to do so i proceed to tell him he should not be doing this to the other hourly worker why they are eating so that started it! here we go!!!!! he starts yelling at me so i let it roll on an on an on.then i got feed up and told him to stop acting like a dumby. so now this is what took the cake, now he starts the faith bashing which had nothing to do with anything, but he took it there and which lead me to thinking was God testing my reaction did i react poor so even though every one laugh at me an said i was crazy to say sorry . all i could hear was God saying i have set you apart from these thing and call you to be my witness now go say sorry and i did because ya know i may be the only form of Jesus he sees so make sure they are seeing what they are suposed to see.(Jesus)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

My thoughts on true love

Someone once told me Ryan you'll never find true love and at one point i started to believe that person. anyway I have found that statement so untrue because in life we face so many different things but i believe true love will find me i just have to be ready for a love i have never known . there are very few thing in life i find true but love is one. Jesus showed the best picture of it . but i also find this very true a person without forgiveness in there heart suffers a far greater thing than death an it is forever .people hardly understand me but in a nut shell i find myself waiting on a love that may not be real but there is always hope, because when ask why such a great guy like me is single i simply reply we ask Jesus to help us live are life but yet we won't let him in the love dept. of are lives so i say this when
God shows me the one i am to be with for ever she will have a sold out love for Jesus then she can truly love me the way God intends love to be far more mind blowing than we have ever seen or known.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

the waters of life

life has been so crazy with the ups and downs. God has changed so many things in my life that i can't begin to explain how. he will on a day to day but i know one thing to be so true. Gods aloud me to read this book called my utmost for his highest and today's devotional touch my heart in a way i never would have thought. the book explains our lifes like a river most of the time unnoticed but touching every thing it comes in contact with. it is so amazing God changes how the way we see and feel when we die to our self's and pick are cross and follow just thing of the many people today and the next that you pass and just say nothing like the teller or the clerk or most of all a friend God never said the give was for you to have then hide it he wants us to share that no one would parish but have life ever lasting.