Saturday, February 14, 2009

A personal [VISION] from GOD and a challenge to you !!!!!!!!!

Tonight I find myself sitting here thinking on what God has shown me. and I have heard this. Ryan I have given you a personal vision of who,what and where I want in your life. And if you would just be still and listen to the things I am saying then this will go much easier. For the longest time now I have been struggling with these things. I know who, what and where. but I have allowed the crowd to block my personal vision out. you see its much easier to go with what the crowd says because in doing so you find when times get tough you will have some one or thing to blame. Just like the many men it the bible did. Adam blamed Eve. and she blamed the devil. Jacob allowed his wife to plan how God would give them a child. Pilot washed his hand though he knows Jesus was innocent.
They all did the same thing I feel I have done. take the easy way out and blame any one but me. God showed me these things for me to draw closer.But instead I screwed up I let the presser get to me! and made things easier to blame others. But God has a funny way of showing you things and giving second chances. That’s why tonight instead of being out with someone I am here listening to God. See God has already showed me who, so why bother with all that mess. And as far as people setting me up.... no more! I am choosing Gods way over the crowd's and my own insecurities in him and him alone do I trust. you see standing a lone some times is what it take to fully see the personal vision he has for you. That’s why the who, what and where are no longer a problem. He has to work in me so I know how to be the Leader and man he wanted me to be. so if this means breaking me in to a million little pieces again well so be it. But this is my vision form the lord and many will say I won’t make it, or that I am wrong. But I will follow this vision until god changes it or he says enough is enough. We can hang on to selfish way that are not Gods or we can let him break us and mold us until every piece fits just right. But I know one thing. if he’s breaking and molding me and I am having a tough time with my identity, well that tells me I am running in the right direction of this vision he has for me. That’s why I know at this very moment I am. Cause sitting here instead of meeting with my friends and the some one they thinks is right. I am listening to the personal vision. On who, what, and where.
My whole point in writing this is to challenge you. Be still. stay away from the crowds and let God’s vision for you consume you. And he will give you perfect direction with the who what and where in your life.

Thanks so much for taking time to listen to my heart


Learning how to look up not back

people always tell me keep look up not back. but how to look up is the question? so i say learning what makes you look back will help you solve why your not looking up. someone once said to me.

“When we long for life without difficulties, remind me that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure”

what a Good word. the person who wrote this knew these words well is sound like. because they were able to write them down! me on the other hand, I tend to stick my foot so far in my mouth i wounder sometime if it's ever going to come out.
today i had lunch with a friend! it was great but i keep walking myself into that kinda thing. more than once today. Glad the friend is so forgiving cause i sounded like a big fat jerk!

Have you every just wanted a little break from every thing your going through. But I don't know how to get there. well God has be trying to show me through my friend and family for sometime. we over talk what God is saying sometimes. the biggest thing i am realizing is every thing in Gods word point's to one thing, obedience! like with Steven's obedience to preach though he was stoned to death. David need God to meet him in his disobedience. but then again, there was David being obedient to the holy spirit! God just wants us to totally be 100% beyond any doubt, know when he said it. so he will take care of it. but like most the men in the Bible they experienced the pain of disobedience to cry out to God. for what? To for give them and meet them right where they are at. it is my personal thought that in order to truly be 100% obedient. God must break you. he took Job, David,Saul,Ect. to a place of brokenness
to let them see no matter what life has in store. I am the very God who hung on your cross.took your shame. to let you know there is not pain or trial that you face, that Jesus has given you victory to over come. so just now i realized something if we go through life trying to side step every problem to please others, we will simply hate our self for it. you see Job was tested, David was broken,and Saul was humbled by being blinded. So what i am trying to say those men, like myself all needed those things to happen in order for god to truly use them.God never promised easy because there's never victory with out a fight. and something doesn't means nothing if its not worth fighting for. life is full of Uncertainness. But if we keep our eye on Jesus and our hearts humble ,and our words clear for him to work in and through us. Then like those men we will stand strong on the word of God and know he will take care of all of it.Amen 1Cor;10:13-14