Tuesday, August 12, 2008

God always make's away out

so today started off just like any other up at 10:00am work out done by 11:15 , then shower then i read my bible then eat . then off to the good old soda factory to make the ice cold coke but from the min. i walk in the door every thing just broke and i had to run help every one fix things all day an at the end of my day i see this

life may seem so normal when the day to day grind doesn't change but when God throw's a few extra things in the mix don't worry 1st cor.10:13 just says this i will not bring any thing your way that is not already known to man but for every time i test u i will also make a way out .

the whole reason i am writing this is because every time things seemed so messed up and i felt like giving up that verse kept replaying in my head so just when you think theres no hope when your faith runs out God open's that Door and show you the way out so through all life problems just wait and the way out will always show up.(jesus)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

mmm, ice cold coke.

great encouragement and thanks for sharing.