Saturday, November 15, 2008
with out a paddle
But sometimes i feel like i am in a boat with no paddle. for many reasons i say this. because if you have ever been in a boat with no paddle or sail you find yourself drifting in not one direction. The water carries you which ever way it wants. you have no way of fighting back. To head in the direction you want so you just drift. it feels like all the things i have failed at in life have stolen my paddles. and now i am just drifting and head not in one direction. feeling alone at sea wait on hope (Jesus) to come along to help give me back the paddles. which lifes many failures have made me lose site of .
But i was talking with some one the other day about choices and i respect this person greatly in many way, for many reasons. But anyway the person said when trying to see clearly what God is trying to show you It might not get easier but you may feel more at peace the more God Tell you. it funny really how something we already know. it take a friends kindness to help us see what God has been saying all along. you may be drifting in that boat with no paddle. but God is the one who made the sea in which that boat floats.
tho you may feel all alone, God controls it all . even the simple things!!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
They call you how they see you so make sure what they see is what there suposed to see
So just the other day i am at work right and i clock in at 2:00pm the day it normal then at 4:00pm first break (15min) go by great.the day couldn't be any better. then came lunch i was sitting down when a man who i will call (coca cola's1 worker) came in the break room very loud so very nicely i ask the man can you quite down then he starts telling people what to do so i proceed to tell him he should not be doing this to the other hourly worker why they are eating so that started it! here we go!!!!! he starts yelling at me so i let it roll on an on an on.then i got feed up and told him to stop acting like a dumby. so now this is what took the cake, now he starts the faith bashing which had nothing to do with anything, but he took it there and which lead me to thinking was God testing my reaction did i react poor so even though every one laugh at me an said i was crazy to say sorry . all i could hear was God saying i have set you apart from these thing and call you to be my witness now go say sorry and i did because ya know i may be the only form of Jesus he sees so make sure they are seeing what they are suposed to see.(Jesus)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
My thoughts on true love
God shows me the one i am to be with for ever she will have a sold out love for Jesus then she can truly love me the way God intends love to be far more mind blowing than we have ever seen or known.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
the waters of life
Friday, August 22, 2008
ya know the last few days have be hard for me because something was took so very wrong. an now i wish i could change things but God it the only one now who can make the persons involved realize that the way they took the way i was acting for something that it was not. i serve God and him alone do i trust to fix this problem. i guess being nice to people these days gets miss lead for something it's not i am very hurt by it but, prayed about it and God spoke to me and said this, my son your love for people is not a fight but it is worth fighting for cause they need to know the will of my father. so just like sand will shift like feeling but stand on an in my word and i will take you threw it an show myself in you .
thans for listening much love
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
How Big God is
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Leting the past be the past
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
God always make's away out
♣ so today started off just like any other up at 10:00am work out done by 11:15 , then shower then i read my bible then eat . then off to the good old soda factory to make the ice cold coke but from the min. i walk in the door every thing just broke and i had to run help every one fix things all day an at the end of my day i see this
life may seem so normal when the day to day grind doesn't change but when God throw's a few extra things in the mix don't worry 1st cor.10:13 just says this i will not bring any thing your way that is not already known to man but for every time i test u i will also make a way out .
the whole reason i am writing this is because every time things seemed so messed up and i felt like giving up that verse kept replaying in my head so just when you think theres no hope when your faith runs out God open's that Door and show you the way out so through all life problems just wait and the way out will always show up.(jesus)♣
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
they say fear makes every decision we have in life if you don't believe me, just think about it the next time you have to choose . also remember that God put fear not in the bible 365 time that should tell you something, also he says in 2 timothy 1:7 for God did not give us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and sound mind. fear is something God gave us power over so why then do we let it control us ? maybe its because we a not trusting like we should or maybe we are in a far land apart form God . but thats just my thoughts i really don't know why we fear but it can be the hardest thing to deal with even when we share are faith in christ cause we fear someone wont like us for telling them they need to be save or we fear we will get called narrow minded well i would reather be called that then not tell someone how to be saved.